Author Profile

John Cornacchia, Founder of Globacorp Developments International, is a true visionary leader with an extensive range of experience related to conceptualization, planning, architectural design and functionality of community resort developments. Focused on sustainable and functional designs, materials and processes, and the utilization of innovative technology. Practical knowledge of global patents related to unique building methods and applications.

John’s Vision… To develop and utilize a fully sustainable building design and business method process that will function as the catalyst to creating an integrated global lifestyle community, thereby providing a superior quality of life and lasting value to all stakeholders.

John’s Philosophy… To appreciate and embrace each endeavour embarked upon and take pride in all that you do. Refuse [for any purpose whatsoever] to compromise your core beliefs or reduce your level of standards.

John Cornacchia and Globacorp Developments International strive to develop sustainable communities that protect the environment, while providing definable benefits to the people that work and live within them.

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To learn more about John Cornacchia, please visit to view his professional LinkedIn profile.